R2Gas Biomethane Workshop: Vienna, 24th April 2024
Biomethane – The most evident renewable fuel today
Following its first successful biomethane workshop (25th April 2023, Vienna) the Research Centre for Renewable Gases – R2Gas (www.r2gas.org) is organising the 2nd Biomethane Workshop with the participation of experienced executives and specialists from the industry. The workshop will consist of two parts: the morning session will be dedicated to technologies, while the afternoon session is addressing the key market related issues, like Union Database (UDB), Guarantees of Origin (GOs), EU-ETS etc.The gathering with three breaks provides an excellent opportunity for exchanging views with colleagues, for communicating and networking.
You are cordially invited to attend the one-day R2Gas Biomethane Workshop in Vienna. Here are the details:
Venue: House of Engineers Business level
(Haus der Ingenieure, Businessebene (hdi-wien.at))
Eschenbachgasse 9. 1010 Vienna, Austria
Date: 24th April 2024
Schedule: arrival and coffee/tea from 8:00
workshop with lunch and coffee breaks 9:00 – 17:00
farewell drink at 17:00
Program: please visit the R2Gas website (www.r2gas.org) for the latest version
Language: English
Participation fees: 150 EUR for participants registered before 15th March 2024
190 EUR for participants registered after 15th March 2024
The participation fee is payable by means of bank transfer performed by 21st April against
the invoice issued by R2Gas upon registration. (No registration and no payment will be possible
on the spot.)
Registration: Simply, on the website of R2Gas (www.r2gas.org)
Early bird bis 15. März
Location: The building is located in the heart of Vienna, next to the Academy of Fine Arts (Akademie der
bildenden Künste Wien) and Schiller Park, it is best reachable by U-Bahn (U2 Sation Museumsquatier).
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